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Nearly all 50 states require a written Radiation Protection Program. Do you have one, and is it compliant?

A radiation protection program (RPP) is designed to ensure that all activities and operations involving ionizing radiation are conducted safely, protecting users, staff, patients, and the public from unnecessary radiation exposure in facilities using radiation-generating equipment or radioactive materials. Stay in compliance with state and federal regulations and avoid potential inspection challenges with your customized radiation protection program developed by LANDAUER Medical Physics®. This radiation protection service helps you create an optimized RPP with input and guidance from top-tier radiation consultants in the industry.

Our consultants will offer recommendations needed to comply with applicable state regulations and accreditation standards. Partnering with LANDAUER means collaborating with industry experts who have years of experience developing and implementing radiation protection programs.

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Radiation Protection Plan Elements

Your customized radiation protection program will address policies and procedures to help your facility maintain compliance in all areas of radiation safety. Elements of the program typically cover eight common subjects:

Personnel Dosimetry

Personnel dosimetry is a key aspect of an RPP. The plan needs to determine who is required to wear a dosimeter, the type of dosimeters required for the exposure, the monitoring period, and other necessary processes crucial for a compliant dosimetry program. In addition, it will address the essential component of your ALARA program to include the trigger I and II levels, monitoring periods, and required action when these levels are exceeded. LANDAUER is well-versed in all aspects of dosimetry services and is well-known for dosimetry products.

Shielding Design

The physical placement of equipment that emits radiation is an important aspect of a radiation protection plan. We perform more than 2,000 shielding designs every year, and our experts have put together shielding designs for medical and dental practices across all 50 states. LANDAUER medical physicists have experience working in all practice types and modalities such as radiography, fluoroscopy, nuclear medicine, and others. 

Required Supplies

While dosimeters are a priority with RPPs, there are other crucial components that need to be evaluated. This includes the requirement for personal protective equipment (PPE), such as lead aprons, thyroid shields, and lead glasses.  Our consultants can help you determine what is needed for your program.

Equipment Installation and Registration

When purchasing and installing radiation-generating equipment, there are state regulations and accreditation standards that must be adhered to. Managing these requirements can be complex, which is why our radiation protection program service will help you determine what steps are required to ensure compliance with your equipment.

Policy for Pregnant Workers

RPPs also need to consider how to safely protect declared pregnant employees. These plans are required to have a fetal dose policy to ensure declared pregnant workers do not surpass fetal radiation regulatory limits. This policy should include additional steps for radiation exposure protection such as how to access fetal dosimeters.

Radiation Safety Education

An important step in a radiation protection plan is to develop a thorough radiation safety education plan. Compliance with state regulations and accreditation standards requires Radiation Safety Training for certain personnel upon hire and annually thereafter.  This is an important part of your radiation protection program. Additionally, your state may also require that certain staff maintain continuing education credits which are available through LANDAUER Academy

Equipment Testing and Maintenance

When developing an RPP, equipment testing and maintenance is a necessary requirement. These plans need a dedicated timeline to consistently check and test radiation-emitting equipment to stay in compliance with all applicable rules and requirements. 

State-specific Laws

Compliance is a key part of a robust radiation protection plan. With different rules and regulations across the country, ensuring you comply with state-specific laws is not always easy. Our experts have experience with managing national, state, and local regulations.

Talk to an expert about a Radiation Protection Program

Custom Approach to Creating RPPs 

With different rules and regulations across agencies, as well as different types of facilities using radiation-emitting equipment, no one radiation protection program is the same. That means there’s no simple template for creating a successful RPP. Our team of experts has spent years doing this work across the nation, making our consulting service one-of-a-kind. We take a customized approach to every program, using our industry-renowned experience to create optimal radiation protection programs made specifically for each individual organization served. 

Radiation Protection Program Benefits

Written radiation protection programs are required in nearly every single state in the U.S. for sites that have an X-ray machine or any type of radioactive material. Ensuring your practice has a concrete RPP will lead to a host of benefits including:

  • Reduction in radiation exposure for employees and patients 
  • Increased knowledge about radiation safety and exposure 
  • Improved reputation for safety 
  • Compliance with both federal and local laws and state regulations
  • Stronger legal protection in case of lawsuits 
us map showing states requiring shielding design where radiation safety officer support services can help maintain compliance

Maintain regulatory compliance and manage technological changes

LANDAUER Radiation Safety Officer Support Services can help.

Did you know that many states now require shielding designs when equipment is moved or newly installed? LANDAUER can help you meet this requirement.

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Radiation Education Resources

Radiation Safety

Learn about the basics of radiation safety in this 17-minute video from LANDAUER Academy. This video is eligible for one Category A American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) CE credit.

Who Should Wear a Dosimeter and Why

Learn the basics of dosimetry including who should wear a dosimeter and the reasons behind it. This 30 minute webinar will provide a good understanding of why dosimeters are worn.

Shielding Design Basics

This free, one-hour webinar discusses diagnostic shielding design and will teach you how to create an ideal layout for a medical or dental office.

What is the consultation process like?

You’ll first meet with our team of experts to audit your current program or plans for a program if there is not one in place yet. Our consulting team will review your goals while learning more about the radiation-emitting equipment you have, facility setup, and daily employee habits. They’ll then work with you to create a reliable RPP.

Are your physicists certified?

Yes, all of our physicists hold all required certifications nationwide.

How much does the radiation protection program consulting cost?

This service cost varies depending on the size and scope of the project. Please reach out to LANDAUER for a customized quote

Who uses radiation safety consulting services?

Radiation safety consulting services are available to anyone with a radiation protection program or in need of one. Our team works with a variety of organizations, from large hospitals to individual dentist offices.

Do your experts offer any additional consulting?

Yes, our team of consultants offers additional services including remote radiation safety compliance consulting and dosimetry support.