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The RaySafe i3 is an active dosimetry system providing immediate insights about radiation exposure enabling medical staff and physicians the ability to evaluate and take action using radiation reduction measures.

Wear a real-time dosimeter to measure your exposure

Sample real-time dosimeter

The RaySafe Real-time Dosimeter measures and records radiation every second. Data is transferred wirelessly to the RaySafe Real-time Display.

Get instant visual feedback enabling quick action

i3 base station

The RaySafe Real-time Display shows dose data for connected dosimeters in real time. Green, yellow and red bars indicate the dose rate for each individual user.

View personal dose information and get advanced analytics

Screen display of i3

RaySafe Dose Viewer is used for administrating dosimeters and viewing personal dose information. Dose Manager provides advanced analysis, reporting and archiving of dose information.

Webinar Series

RaySafe i3 Real Time Personal Dosimetry

View a demonstration of the RaySafe i3 and see how easy it is to see real-time radiation readings at different distances and their outputs. You'll learn how to access and interpret what the data readings mean, and how you and your staff can be up and running with increased radiation safety in no time.

Watch webinar

"The improvement in radiation protection has been more than dramatic at the URMC. There is no substitute for a constant and real-time reminder of the dose being received."

Labib H. Syed, M.D., M.P.H., University of Rochester Medical Center

"We feel better about our work and our safety. Now that we see what RaySafe real-time dosimetry does for us, we wouldn’t want to work at a place that doesn’t have it."

Dawn Dowling, Technologist, Lawrence General Hospital

Let us show you how you can view and reduce radiation exposure instantly