Landauer Dosimetry Reports
Did you know that we offer a wide variety of dosimetry reports depending on your needs? Every dosimetry customer receives a standard dosimetry report for each participant, which is their legal dose of record, but we have many other reports available! Some of the most popular reports our customers use are the Form 5, ALARA Memos, Fetal Monitoring, the METER report, and the ESTimate report. Not sure what those are or if you might need them? Read on to learn all about them!
The Dosimetry Report
The Dosimetry Report is included with all subscriptions and is the legal dose of record for dosimeter wearers. It is generated by Landauer when dosimeters are returned and at the end of each wear period. Some key points:
- Deep dose equivalent, lens dose equivalent, and shallow dose equivalent data are provided for each dosimeter wearer
- Subaccounts can be established to separate participants into groups
- Dose data is presented in four sections (i.e., the current wear period, quarter to date, year to date, and lifetime dose)
- Area monitor dose data is included
Each participant’s dose should be compared to ALARA levels and regulatory limits. By default, Landauer uses the ALARA levels established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (i.e., ALARA Level I is ≥ 10% and ALARA Level II is ≥ 30% of the quarterly dose limits), although custom ALARA levels can also be set. Landauer will notify account managers immediately if an individual exceeds an established ALARA level.
How to Read Your Report from LANDAUER®.
Form 5 – Annual and Quarterly Reports
The Form 5 is an annual summary report for those monitored for radiation exposure. These reports inform individual radiation workers about their dose and assist dosimetry managers to comply with regulatory requirements.
The monitoring period is specified in years, and quarterly reports provide similar data over the quarterly wear period. Individual reports can be viewed or downloaded.
The ALARA Memo feature can generate letters for individuals exceeding ALARA or regulatory limits. For a dose exceeding ALARA Level II levels, a questionnaire is included for the radiation worker to complete and return to the RSO or IRRP.
The ALARA Memo shows the dose for the current wear period and the year. ALARA Reports are generated quarterly and annually and are ideal performance indicators (i.e., metrics) for Radiation Safety and ALARA programs.
If you do not opt for the ALARA Report feature in myLDR, you can export the data for further analysis or creating your own reports using Microsoft Excel. In any case, the comparison of individual and collective dose(s) to established ALARA Levels and regulatory limits is essential.
When a target and timeline are attached to radiation dose metrics, they become Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). An organization’s KPIs inform management and inspectors about various aspects of organizational performance. The periodic review of KPIs allows management to self-identify problems or potential problems and take corrective and/or proactive actions. The best performance indicators for the Radiation Safety and ALARA Programs are individual and area (i.e., public) radiation dose.
Other Landauer Dosimetry Reports
Depending on the number of facilities being monitored by the same account holder, the scope of the programs being managed, and the optional features that you may have added to your account, there may be other reports generated in myLDR. These include but are not limited to:
- ALARA Recap: Summarizes exposure received by radiation workers during the calendar year, including when radiation workers exceed quarterly or annual ALARA Levels 1 or 2. The report is generated quarterly, annually, or on demand.
- ESTimate Report: Displays estimated doses for radiation workers who have not returned their dosimeters for a specific wear period. Dose data in the report will allow you to decide what calculated dose is appropriate and track exposure trends and ALARA levels when a dosimeter is late or missing.
- Fetal Monitoring Report: Shows the doses received by radiation workers who have been pregnant at any time within the past year. It is generated monthly or on demand. The report provides the monthly fetal dose over the gestation period.
- Form 5 – Termination Report: Provides dose history for the last year that a radiation worker was at a given location as well as the lifetime dose. It is generated automatically 45 days after the radiation worker’s last wear period. The report can be issued at any time by request.
- METER Report: The Multiple Employer Total Exposure Report (METER) provides a cumulative dose for participants who work at different facilities to aid in assessing state and federal regulatory compliance. METER reports are generated monthly or on demand to help ensure that a participant has not exceeded the legal limit.
- Over Exposure Report: Generated when one or more dosimeters exceed the dose level that LANDAUER has saved for your account. The Exposure Notification supplements the Dosimetry Report and is generated at the same time.
RadFacts Reports
RadFacts is an optional dashboard add-on for myLDR that is designed to visually present data such as ALARA performance, unreturned dosimeter rates, and collective dose from your dosimetry program. Many customers utilize RadFacts to create reports for Radiation Safety Committee and QA meetings.
Trends may be spotted, and all data is centralized to create time-saving efficiency. It’s easy to quickly focus on key radiation safety metrics to help you provide the best possible radiation protection program for your employee.
You can add RadFacts to your account right in myLDR. Simply log in and click on the RadFacts link on the left-side menu.