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Use LANDAUER’S Radiation Safety Support Services to improve your organization’s safety response and reduce time spent on daily tasks and reporting.

Common Turnover Trending & Analysis Tasks - Made Easy with Dosimetry on Demand
Radiation Safety Committee
Executive Summaries
  • Prepares quarterly executive summaries
  • Participates in teleconferences upon request
Dose Reports
  • Reviews dose reports
  • Provides electronic signoff
As Low as Reasonably
Achievable (ALARA) Reports
  • Manages ALARA Recap Reports
  • Manages ALARA II notifications with follow-up

Regulatory Compliance with No Surprises

Engage LANDAUER’S regulatory expertise to monitor regulations, make mandated changes, communicate with agencies and be prepared for action.

Achieve Compliance Without Additional Staff

Policies & Procedures

  • Provides executive-level review of existing policies and procedures
  • Proposes updates based on best practices

Incidents & Inspections

  • Delivers on-demand consultation

State & Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulations

  • Monitors requirements
  • Implements changes
  • Communicates with agencies on behalf of your organization
  • Prepares up to five amendments of existing radioactive material licenses or new registrations each year

Extra Support

  • You can access after-hour emergency phone service
  • You can use a dedicated email address for quick response

Keep Ahead of the Curve with Radiation Safety Education

We hear feedback every day from RSOs working hard to keep themselves and their staffs informed of leading radiation safety practices and compliance strategies.

LANDAUER responds with educational programs tailored to the interests of RSOs working in systems, hospitals, ambulatory sites and industry. Choose from our growing roster of radiation safety training options with continuing education credits to help you create compliance-ready work environments.

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